Educational Setting

Find useful information to navigate student health needs in the school setting with the following resources:

Medical and Educational Models

When parents take their child to a doctor or therapist and have a medical or psychological evaluation done for their child, recommendations are made to benefit the child. Doctors often make recommendations for medical or therapeutic services to benefit the child and sometimes suggestions for school services. There have been times when medical doctors have told families to request a 504 Plan or an Individualized Education Program (IEP) from their child's school. It is important to remember this fact: Schools have an obligation to consider any information from outside providers but are not required to follow those recommendations.

View the ASK Resource Webpage

Health Services: Special Factor Considerations

When the learner’s ongoing health concerns impact their access to educational programming, health should be a special factor and included as part of the learner’s IEP.

Learn more from i3

504 Plans for Students with Disabilities

Section 504 prohibits discrimination against individuals, including students with disabilities. A 504 plan provides accommodations that allow the individual to access education, services, programs, activities and facilities benefitting them the same as their non-disabled peers.

Learn more from ASK Resource Center

Sample Letter to Request an Evaluation for 504 Plan Eligibility

A parent may request a 504 plan through the school's 504 coordinator or principal. It is strongly recommended that the request be in writing. This document includes a sample letter a parent may use to make this request.

Read the ASK Resource PDF

Section 504 Sample Accommodations and Modifications

This Appendix contains examples of 504 accommodations and modifications.

View the Appendix

Emergency Evacuation Planning for Students with Disabilities

In this era of threats of violence and shootings along with fire and weather emergencies, the paramount need is effective emergency evacuation plans for students with disabilities.

Learn more from Wrightslaw

Guidance for Physical Education for Students with Disabilities

This document from the Iowa Department of Education includes definitions of common words and phrases, and physical education requirements when serving individuals who are eligible for special education. It includes examples, references, and resources.

Learn more from the IDOE

Individual Health Care Plans and Emergency Information Forms

If you have a child with Special Health Care Needs, especially conditions that can potentially result in an emergency situation; it is important to have information readily available to those responsible for your child’s care.

Learn more from PACER

School Health Care Plans for Kids with Medical Needs

An IHP documents your child’s health needs, interventions, and solutions to potential health problems that may occur while your child is at school, a thorough plan to train staff, and protocol to address medical emergencies.

Learn more from Undivided

Health Transition Planning and the IEP

Parents, youth and the entire IEP team will want to consider how health and healthcare issues impact a student’s ability to achieve his or her postsecondary education, employment, and independent living goals.

Learn more from National Parent Center on Transition and Employment

What is trauma-informed teaching?

Trauma-informed teaching starts with an understanding of how trauma can impact learning and behavior. With this approach, educators think about what student behavior may be telling them. And they reflect on their teaching practices to find ways to better support students who may be experiencing trauma.

Learn more from Understood

Trauma Sensitivity During the IEP Process

This article helps teams understand ways to express sensitivity to trauma issues throughout the IEP process.

Learn more from the Federation for Children with Special Needs

School Nurse

Included on this webpage is additional information related to school health requirements, health services, and school nursing practice.

Learn more from the IDOE

School Lunch and Special Dietary Needs

Schools participating in the National School Lunch Program, which includes breakfasts and after-school snacks in some cases, are required by law to make accommodations for children who are unable to eat the standard prepared meals because of a disability or health issue.

Learn more from ASK Resource Center

Modifications to Accommodate Disabilities in CACFP and SFSP

The attached policy memorandum, includes important updates to the requirements related to accommodating children and adults (participants) with disabilities receiving meals through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). This memorandum is the companion piece to SP 59-2016 “Modifications to Accommodate Disabilities in the School Meal Programs” published on Sept. 27, 2016.

Learn more from Food and Nutrition Service

Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Iowa Educational Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired works with infants, children, teens, and young adults with visual impairments in the state of Iowa.

Learn more from IESBVI

Student Resources

he Iowa Department for the Blind works to empower blind Iowans to be gainfully employed and live independently. In the student resources section, you can expect to find information on accessible instructional materials, as well as, other programs and services offered.

Learn more from the Iowa Department for the Blind

Iowa School for the Deaf

The Iowa School for the Deaf provides resources and opportunities for Iowa students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Even if your child is not enrolled at ISD, families can take advantage of the resources available on this site.

Learn more from the Iowa School for the Deaf

Iowa Schools: Individual Health Plan Template Reference Document

The purpose of this resource is to provide information to the education team on what is required when using the IHP template as required in regulations, the nursing process, describe the importance of communication with the student or family when developing goals, assigning a domain to the goal or outcome, how to scale a goal or outcome for evaluation and provide best practices in workflow of documentation as outlined in required school policies and procedures.

View the PDF from the Iowa DOE