Self-Advocacy Tools

Participating in Iowa's Legislative Process 2024

This document provides Tools for Understanding Proposed Legislation in the State of Iowa.

View the ASK Resource Center PDF

Your IEP Meeting: A Great Place to Practice Self-Advocacy Skills

Self-advocacy is a key step in becoming an adult. It means looking out for yourself, telling others what you need, and knowing how to take responsibility. No one is born knowing these skills. Self-advocacy skills are needed over a lifetime, and everyone has to learn them. Here is some great information that can start you on your way

Read the PACER Center PDF

Sample Self-Advocacy Plan

The most important part of self-advocacy is learning to share information about yourself with others. Use this tool to help you figure out what information you want to share with your IEP team at your next IEP team meeting.

Read the PACER Center PDF

Teens and Young Adults with Disabilities: Be Your Own Best Advocate

This resource for teens and young adults with disabilities will help you become a better advocate. There are also resources created to use with your family that will support your success as you get ready for adulthood.

Learn more from PACER

Youth Leadership Academy (YLA)

YLA is a way to connect with peers with disabilities and learn leadership skills.

Learn more from YLA