Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Additional key components of the IEP process include evaluation, IDEA and dispute resolution. Please reference the following sub-categories on our website: Special Education Evaluation ProcessIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act, and Special Education Dispute Resolution.


Individualized Education Program Teams

By law, parents, teachers, and other professionals are required to be involved in developing, reviewing and revising a student’s IEP. The IEP team members discuss and collaborate to write a plan to address the unique needs of the student. Each IEP team member should be knowledgeable or have special expertise about the student and the special education services, activities and supports that could benefit the student. Find out about the members of the IEP team, including the roles and responsibilities of each team member.

Visit the Iowa IDEA Information Website

IEP Team Members Roles and Responsibilities

This printable document shares the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in the IEP Process including parents, general education teachers, Principals, Special Education Teachers, Service Providers and AEA Staff.

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Components of an IEP

The process of developing an IEP consists of five phases including identifying present levels of academic achievement/functional performance, developing well-written goals/determining progress monitoring strategies, determining all special education services, activities, and supports, and determining the least restrictive environment (LRE) and determining how progress will be reported to parents.

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Contents of the IEP

An IEP is a written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in a meeting in keeping with certain requirements of law and regulations. The following requirements are discussed in this section: Who develops the IEP?, What an IEP must contain, extra IEP content for youth with disabilities, a closer look at each IEP component.

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Special Education Services & Activities

Each IEP documents the services and activities a learner receives to meet their unique needs. This document lists the various types of services and activities an IEP team may consider when developing an IEP for the learner. The descriptors in this document reflect drop-down category choices in the ACHIEVE system that IEP authors can use to summarize individual learner needs.

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FAQ from Families about Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)

You know your child best. Your participation in developing an appropriate IEP should be expected and welcomed. You can share strengths and preferences related to learning and daily living. You can share goals that you would like to see achieved and any concerns that you have regarding learning and social development.

View the ASK Resource PDF

Parent Participation in IEP Decision Making

Parent participation is an important part of developing a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). Learn about the role of parents in the IEP process.

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ASK an Expert: ACHIEVE - the new online system for IEPs and IFSPs

Join ASK Resource Center, Amy Alfrey and Dee Gethman as they discuss ACHIEVE - The new online system for IEPs and IFSPs.

Watch the ASK an Expert Webinar

Types of IEPs

IEP teams must develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each eligible student with a disability at least annually. An IEP outlines a students’ unique needs, their annual goals, and the special education services and supports determined necessary by the IEP team to ensure a free, appropriate public education (FAPE).

Visit the Iowa IDEA Information Website

Sample Letter Requesting an IEP Meeting

This letter is designed to be used when a family would like to request an IEP meeting to discuss an issue related to their child's IEP. Be sure to change and add the details of a student's situation to the sample letter before sending to a Special Education Teacher, General Education Teacher, Principal, Special Education Director or Superintendent. Remember to keep a copy for yourself, including the date it was sent.

Read the ASK Resource Center PDF

Medical and Educational Models

When parents take their child to a doctor or therapist and have a medical or psychological evaluation done for their child, recommendations are made to benefit the child. Doctors often make recommendations for medical or therapeutic services to benefit the child and sometimes suggestions for school services. There have been times when medical doctors have told families to request a 504 Plan or an Individualized Education Program (IEP) from their child's school. It is important to remember this fact: Schools have an obligation to consider any information from outside providers but are not required to follow those recommendations.

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Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

All school-age children with disabilities who are eligible for a 504 or an Individualized Education Program (IEP) are entitled to a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). FAPE requires students with disabilities receive the services they need to benefit from their education.

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Least Restrictive Environment

One of the components of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the expectation that students with IEP's should be educated alongside their non-disabled peers (in the General Education classroom) as much as it is appropriate, which is referred to as the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for that student.

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Unique Settings

Each district and AEA has a duty to ensure a continuum of services is available to meet the unique needs of each learner with disabilities. In addition to regular classes and special classes within the school, a district’s continuum must include special schools, home instruction, and instruction in hospitals and institutions. A variety of circumstances may arise which result in the need for an IEP team to address the placement and services of an eligible student in order to meet the unique needs of the learner.

Visit the Iowa IDEA Information Website

Re-Evaluation for Special Education Eligibility for Individuals 3 - 21

When a child has an IEP, the federal law requires IEP teams to consider reevaluating the student at least every 3 years. Parents can also request that their child be reevaluated up to once per year. This is most often helpful when there are new issues coming up at school related to the disability or the child has received a new diagnosis that may impact him or her at school.

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Progress Monitoring for IEP Goals

Progress Monitoring is used to assess a student's performance and the effectiveness of the instruction being given. The data collected by progress monitoring helps guide IEP team decisions about instruction and services. Each goal page of Iowa's IEP form contains a section called Progress Monitoring Procedures, which should explain how data will be collected and used to make instructional decisions

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Understanding Parent Consent

One of a parent's most important rights is the right to give or to not give their consent for certain actions of the school and/or AEA with respect to their child with a disability. Districts and AEAs have a duty to ensure parents and age of majority students are informed of what they are consenting to, including arranging for an interpreter for parents and age of majority students with deafness or whose native language is not English.

Learn more from Iowa IDEA

A Comprehensive Special Education Evaluation

A comprehensive evaluation covers all areas that may be impacted by a disability. It should identify all of a student's special education and related service needs. In order for an evaluation to be comprehensive a student should be evaluated in all areas related to the disability or area of concern, referred to as performance domains.

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Independent Educational Evaluations

In Iowa, evaluations for special education eligibility are usually done by Area Education Agency personnel, together with the educators at your child's school. However, parents have the right to other options if they believe the information described in the Educational Evaluation Report (EER) is incorrect or incomplete.

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School Accommodation Ideas for Students who Receive Section 504 or Special Education Services

Students with disabilities who receive Section 504 or special education services often need accommodations to their educational programs. For special education students, accommodations help a student accomplish Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals, participate and make progress in the general curriculum, participate and be educated with students with and without disabilities, and participate in extracurricular activities. For students with a Section 504 plan, accommodations are used to eliminate barriers to full participation in school activities.

Learn more from PACER

Assistive Technology: Special Factor Considerations

Consideration of assistive technology (AT), in the context of IEP development, review, or revision is intended to be a collaborative process in which team members determine whether AT devices, supports, or services are needed for the learner with disabilities.

Visit the Iowa IDEA Information Website

Prior Written Notice

Prior Written Notice (PWN) is a procedural safeguard under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It is one of the protections that parents are entitled to. PWN is a written explanation of a change the school district or Area Education Agency (AEA) wants to make or refuses to make in a child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).

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Support for Participation by Students with IEPs or 504 Plans

School districts, pursuant to IDEA and according to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), must provide students with disabilities with an “equal opportunity for participation” in school activities. Iowa Admin. Code r. 281—41.107(1); 34 C.F.R. § 300.107(a).

View the Iowa Department of Education Website

Extended School Year Services

Extended School Year Services (ESYS) are special education services that are provided to a child with a disability beyond the normal school year. ESYS is provided in accordance with the IEP at no cost to the parent or child.

Visit the Iowa Department of Education Website

Extended School Year Services Video

If a child who is eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ("IDEA") needs extended school year services ("ESYS") as part of the child's individualized education program ("IEP") to receive a free appropriate public education ("FAPE"), the child's school district, area education agency, or both, must provide those services. See, e.g., Yaris v. Special Sch. Dist., 728 F.2d 1055 (8th Cir. 1984). This document sets out the legal basis for the ESYS requirement, as well as guidance for IEP Teams to consider in implementing that requirement.

Watch the Pathfinder Shortcuts Webinar

Procedural Safeguards Manual: Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities Ages 3-21

The rights that parents have in the Special Education process are called “Procedural Safeguards”. This document from the Iowa Department of Education describes the legal requirements that guide IEP teams and options that parents have in the Special Education process including the formal “dispute resolution” processes available help to resolve disagreements.

Visit the Iowa Department of Education Website

Sample Letter Requesting a Prior Written Notice

There are times when a school must explain, in writing, their decisions about a child’s education and the reasons for making those decisions. This written communication is called prior written notice. Sometimes, however, schools tell families decisions over the phone, in a meeting, or in a conversation. If parents want the notice in writing, they should ask the school for it. It is best to put the request it in writing (and keep a copy for their records). This document is an example letter for parents requesting written notice.

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Unique Settings

Alternative Services and Placements as Determined by IEP Team

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