join the cab
The ASK Corporate Advisory Board (CAB) is a group of experts that provides guidance to ASK Resource Center to help us grow and achieve our goals.
The CAB collaborates with ASK's Board of Directors and administrative leadership to advance the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the organization. Both corporate and individual members contribute their skills and expertise to guide organizational growth. Joining the CAB will offer you philanthropic exposure and provide an opportunity to sharpen leadership skills through networking opportunities.
Individual Membership
The CAB allows Individual Memberships that include:
- Exposure through having a picture, name, title, individual biography and optional company logo listed on the About tab of the ASK website and shared annually on ASK's social media
- Complementing the skills of and interfacing with ASK's Board of Directors (BOE) governing Board Members
- Sharing professional expertise, insights, and experiences to influence the effectiveness of the organization
- Participating in philanthropic work that sharpens leadership skills and cultivates valuable networking opportunities
Corporate Membership
The CAB allows Corporate Memberships that include the Individual Membership benefits, and the following additional benefits:
- An opportunity for a shared seat on the CAB where a maximum of two people may serve in one seat with one vote
- Indefinitely maintain a CAB seat until opting off with the individual(s) serving, rotating every three years
Increased Industry Exposure Through:
The addition of a company biography listed with the Individual Member(s) information on the CAB page of the About tab of the ASK website
- A company logo listed on a "supporter" section of a second location on the ASK Website
- An annual, individualized Thank You to the Company on ASK's Social Media
- First right of refusal for sponsorship of any ASK Event
If you're passionate about our mission and have a talent for fundraising and networking, we are looking for you!
Vision Mission values
Impact Statement