What is Being Done to Improve Secondary Transition Outcomes?
May 21, 2024
Session Description:
This session will provide an overview of Iowa’s model for differentiated accountability of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, aka IDEA-DA. Discussion will include a description of how the Department of Education assigns districts a level of support, required districts actions and professional learning. Examples will be provided through the lens of improving secondary transition outcomes.

Barbara Guy, Ph.D.
Dr. Barbara Guy is the Director of Special Education at the Iowa Department of Education. In this role she has worked with regional and local special educators to build state infrastructures and capacity to provide quality special education services and supports.
Prior to her current work, Barb was Iowa’s education consultant for secondary transition. Her broad perspectives of secondary transition derive from her work at the University of Minnesota with state systems change grants on transition, her experiences at the University of Kansas and teaching students with severe and profound disabilities. This background has led to her recognition of the diverse needs of learners with disabilities and the belief that services and practices need to be flexible and broad enough to meet that diversity. She is the author of several articles and book chapters on secondary transition of youth with disabilities. In 2009 she was honored with the Mark Gold Innovative Practices in Transition Award from DCDT.
Kelsey Teeter, BSW
Kelsey currently serves as the Secondary Special Education Program Consultant with the Iowa Department of Education. Previously, Kelsey worked in the secondary school setting providing transition services. With more than 15+ years of experience in the field of disability, education, and employment; Kelsey maintains a strong commitment and passions for improving the outcomes, equity, and inclusion of individuals who experience disabilities.