Register for the Webinar
A manifestation determination meeting is held for students with disabilities who have been suspended or expelled for more than 10 school days. This webinar will help you understand when these meetings are necessary, what occurs during the meeting, and the possible outcomes for the student. By joining us, you'll learn how to actively participate in the manifestation determination meeting.
Participants will learn the purpose of a manifestation determination, when one is required, and possible outcomes for the meeting.
Speaker Bios
Jason Volmer, School Psychologist
Jason Volmer has worked in special education for more than 25 years, serving as a school psychologist and special education director. Currently he is working as a school Psychologist servicing grades 8-12 in Ankeny. He also has three children who have or have had social/emotional/behavioral IEPs, and has experienced manifestation determinations and removals in his role as a parent, district leader, and school psychologist.
Jean Boger, School Social Worker
Jean Boger, MSW, LMSW, has been a school social worker with Heartland AEA for over 16 years. Throughout her time with Heartland, she has served in a variety of rural and metro school districts where she has focused primarily on supporting students with social, emotional and behavioral issues. This has included evaluating students for special education services, conducting Functional Behavior Assessments, developing Behavior Intervention Plans, and serving as an IEP team member to help inform educational programming.
Sara Mercer, Director of IDEA Services
and Regional Director for Boone County Schools
Sara Mercer is currently the Director of IDEA Services and Regional Director for Boone County Schools for Heartland AEA. Sara is also a trained Special Education teacher and a School Psychologist. Sara is passionate about delivering high-quality services to all students, advocating for adherence to special education law, and fostering meaningful collaboration between students and parents in special education processes.